Saturday, 31 August 2013


We live in a very macho society. Not only men, but woman have absorbed the ideas/lives of repression. When was the last time a man cried? Why would many rather be "tough" and trample another - physically, emotionally, economically, militarily, .... than to turn the other cheek - as Jesus commanded. To be willing to suffer for an-other - rather than to cause suffering - is this a lost virtue/goal

"We live in a culture that encourages us not to take our own suffering seriously, but rather to make light of it or even to laugh about it. What is more, this attitude is regarded as a virtue, and many people - of whom I used to be one - are proud of their lack of sensitivity toward their own fate and particularly toward their fate as a child" - Alice Miller The Drama of the Gifted Child

For more cute "baby" pics click here

Monday, 26 August 2013

Beauty, Taste, Health Benefits...A Woman?

While the plant pictured is like a "good woman" can have as many as you fact, the more you have the better! [And not get "in trouble"..well unless you were rich and a "good" Jewish man during the bible times]

This amazing plant....not only is anti-viral, antiseptic, diaphoretic, cholagogue, hypotensive, anti-spasmotic... it is so easy to grow! It's a good indicator of the health of your soil also.

This is the fruit/seeds of garlic...note the beauty of the seeds and the little flowers:

 For more pics

Friday, 16 August 2013

Destruction Will Terrify You

It seems ironic that Christians and others hear about the destruction of fellow humans and non-humans, yet continue to wipe them out. The quest [what the euphemism!] for gas/oil....has killed 2000000 Iraqis, 5000000 refugees....let alone nonhuman victims.

Now fracking is getting a lot of attention. More on this later. Everywhere from the Colbert Report to  The Nature Of Things have detailed emphasis on the exploitation of nature/humans by a some greedy companies. And while Canadians laud over their Americans to the south....Canadians have no minerals rights even if they own the land! So Mr. Corporation can walk on your property and plop his [sic] drill in the ground.

Ironic that the very bible many say to believe, foresaw or pronounced similar evils:
