Monday, 24 March 2014

The Difference Between The Indigenous And The Civilized

[R]eligion rather than business being the principal business;
living to live rather than to get;
belonging rather than belongings 
as a reigning value;
apparently frivivolous nature of much religious service
tending to disguise the possibility 
that it may have been enforced;
group owndership of land and wealth,
and consequent tendencies toward individual 
cooperation rather than competition,
and apparent rarity of the police and lawsuits necessary
to regulate individual possessions;
dualism and institutionalized factionalism
with consequest tendencies toward reciprocationg government,
toward a world balance of two opposing forces,
whether the world of thought
and the spirit or the world of practicial politics, 
rather than the Old World comulsion toward one party rule, 
insofar a possible, whether it be religion or politics."
- Brandon, William

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Forget The Play - Ground: Let's Build A Walmart

Fishes and birds
Can't live at all.
They're tearing down a playground
To make room for a mall.
The sun is crying raindrops,
Raindrops, big and small.
And the last tree is dying,
Dying, that's all.
-Charles Anflick, Grade 5 Hillel Academy, CT