The dis-c o n n e c t
is a jolt to the head
or more to the heart
Will a jolt
make people wake up?
Haven't all the reports
on climate change
and habitat loss
and no clean water
no edible fish...
ad nauseum
made an 'impact'
ad nauseum
made an 'impact'
When is it enough to stop
and think
to stop
hurting others
and our-selves
is destroying
the habitat
you live in
does that include
deluding our-selves
into thinking
or non-thinking?
[that we have no impact
both on our surroundings
and to change our impact]
time is running out
so it's time to start running
toward solutions
toward change
toward caring
and self-sacrifice
Why do a few privileged
get to use up all the resources
and live in luxury
and self-indulgence
while most can't even get a glass
of water?
stage 1: denial
stage 2: entitlement
stage 3: justification
stage 4: