We played in the forest
Every day
"Come here little birdies"
And they flew over
And we played
Till dark
We smelt the wonder-ful
And watched the bumble bees
Gather pollen and buzz near our heads
We chased the butterflies
And told the frogs
All our secrets
Then we heard
Then we felt
Shock waves
Heat waves
Radiation waves
De-form-ed bodies
Tortured by deformed minds
From far far away
Truman tells the public how amazing the bomb is...
Like a foolish child playing with his new toy
Thank you scientists, engineers, business and government "leaders"
Advance-ment in science
[and domination/arrogance]
140,000 Murdered in Hiroshima
3 Days Later: 70,000 Victims in Nagasaki
[numbers say no-thing
about the truth of the agony]
Today the U.S. continues to spend over $1,000,000,000,000 on updating the evil weapons, while Obama said in 2013 that he would decrease the insanity.