Wednesday, 4 January 2017

The HIDDEN Mean-ing of "Happy New Year"

"Happy New Year"
"Merry Christmas"
"Have A Nice Day"

What do these mean?

Be happy
Be merry [a word never used except at Christ-mass]
Have a nice day as I go back to my crap job

I asked a guy what he meant
He said it's a phrase for between Christmas and the new year
I laughed

But he was caught off guard
Like robots 
People regurgitate what they are told to

And expected to say
Without thinking
Without heart

Mind-less dribble
Heart-less dribble

No soul
No love
No substance
No feel-ing

Shallow words 
Shallow people

Shouldn't we strive for meaning in our
And lives?!

How 'bout changing things up:

Suggesting others care for the air
We breathe

How 'bout caring about the rights of workers?!

How 'bout caring about equality, social justice, peace...?!

How 'bout saying something that might make people think?!

That might change their/our way of thinking
Our way of living
Our way of be-ing

To be more in harmony
With one an-other

More harmony

[We are part of/
Dependent on

Should we 
Be happy
If we cause suffering?

Should be having
A nice day
As we yell at our child?

Are the dead humans and non-humans
Killed out of our greed and convenient life-styles

Are the war policies that increase our wealth
By selling armaments to Saudi Arabia
Helping those attacked by Saudi Arabia
Have a nice day?

The super-ficial platitudes
Must pass away
Like an approaching cockroach

The empty words
The heart and the mind

Let's say something
A little less

Let's challenge
One an-other
To be/do better! 

We need 
To stop fear-ing

Time to grow up
And stop wanting others'

We need to speak out for the voice-less
And the weak

Do the right thing
Say the right thing

Have a nice day 
{While you ...}