Just like Trump, Ford is attacking the people. We are part of the air, land, water....We are dependent, like children on our environment: our habitat. You are not for the people when you attack and support those destroying our habitat. Let's remember we share it with infinite other beings - to whom we are dependent and should be grate-ful for.
The elimination of cap and trade will "cost" Ontario between $2 and $4 Billion!!!
So where will this lost money come from? He did not account for this - or much - but was still elected. Duh! What an uneducated public! Did Mike Harris and Harper not do enough damage?
Oh, but we need more attacks: let's reduce the price of gas by 10 cents. Hmm. Who will pay for that then?
That's about $1.19 Billion . So the taxes that were going toward roads, social services, etc. will be lost. They will be made up through cuts to social programs. "Oh, but I'm here for the little guy [sic]". Lies.
The car is the major polluter today [well, the drivers are, really]. Not only do we have 2000000 dead in Iraq for the oil, ISIS as a result, 4-5,000,000 refugees [Iraq alone!]....but drivers kill 1,300,000 people yearly worldwide. And that is not talking about the wiping out of entire eco-systems for roads, mines for resources for the roads, oil spills, Tar Sands devastation, water, land, air pollution.... When will it end?
Time to at least get out of the car, support other forms of transportation....get involved politically....locally and nationally. See other posts for ideas. Time to defeat the old adage: Give me convenience of give me death