There's a little box
If you can fit through the little door
You are a [real] man
Most men make it through the little door
Sadly, so do many women
It's like a club
A real sad, dysfunctional club
In the box you find there are a lot of rules
A LOT! If you break any
You are instantly shamed, beat up, cast out, labeled
Maybe even raped
It's okay and lauded to show anger
Violence is just and just-i-fied
Big trucks and fast cars are accessories [so are 'hot' 'girls']
Taking up a lot of space is mandatory
Domination is a great goal and character trait
Dominate nature with your truck, boat, plane, big house, big steak, ...
Dominate your girl friend
Dominate your kids
Be in control
Control others
But you don't need to show self-control
You can let that temper fly - a sign of strength and man-hood
Remember, many women are part of the boys club too!
Those that get ousted might show 'feminine', whimpy things like
But who needs them in our club?
Even though many 'real men' battle depression
Even though they have no intimate friends
They won't reach out
That's what booze is for
That's what violence is for
"Let's go beat up that 'fag'/activist/'nigger' [remember lynching?!]/trans/["illegal"] immigrant/poor country/nature...."
Keep moving - keep running - from your-self
"I just wish I had someone to share my pain with"
"Why can't I touch an-other man without being condemned as 'gay'
"Why can't I cry?"
"Why must I amputate vital parts of my-self [so that others will accept me]?"
Living in fear
Living in fear of emotions other than happiness and anger
Living in fear of getting close
Living in fear of my real pain and lone-liness
Why can't I be authentic?
Why can't I like colours?
Why do you shame me when I tell you your words hurt me?
Why don't you call me when sad?
It takes more strength to be real
It takes more strength to show empathy
It takes more courage to be 'soft'
I won't let you control me
So let's go to the game
Let's yell as our team hits, beats, smashes the other team
We can bond through violence
Even better: let's go to WAR! - the ultimate show of strength and violence