Men are still trying to tell women
What to think, do, feel, speak...
Controlling their bodies, minds, spirits, souls. [or so they think!]
Yet these men have no soul.
They say all life matters.
Except for the women [well, actually, anyone/thing out-side of them-selves].
She must obey.
Or suffer.
Life im-prison-ment for doctors who honour a woman
Docs can not even suggest abortion!
Free speech, my ass!
You can carry a gun
You can say you hate Jews, Blacks, ....
Second amendment or ?
But shut up, women .... or reason
We know best
We tell you.
We don't ask you.
We keep you out of OUR decisions
These men, clearly with little pee pees
Say "smaller government"
The market will solve everything
It's done wonders for pollution, climate disruption, 1 Billion starving, 6 people have 1/2 world's wealth
Yet they want government to control
Sex-u-ality and re-production
The bigger the military, the true killer of life
The better
No sex education in schools
Hmmm, wonder why girls get pregnant then?!
And it's evangelicals who very oft do
Or they use some other orifice so it's not a "sin"
Abortion is "biblical" see here , not that it matters necessarily
But these men hate life
They do all they can to wipe out every living organism
Climate disruption is not real, they decry.
Rape the forests
Rape the earth, water, air...
Rape the woman
Rape your 11 year old daughter
Rape and incest victims
Have to keep the organism alive
Thanks Dad
You're a good Family Man.
These men, and brain-washed women won't dia[2]logue.
Not listening or caring, they thrust their will on the "inferior" sex
Is this really a democracy where most of the population are silenced or ignored?
The lobbyists smile, "it sure is" la la la la...
Don't kid yourself
The rich and religious will still get great health care [which includes abortion]
The poor women, and oft poverty = coloured, will not be able to afford it
They will join the many women who die giving birth [u.s. one of world's highest infant and maternal mortality "rates" in "developed" world]
Isn't it time for revolution.
Keep the guns at home.
Put down the phone and u-n-i-te
Stop submitting!
The world will be saved, if it can be, only by the unsubmissive.
-Andre Gide