Tuesday, 6 June 2017

You Ain't Notin' Un-less...

You ain't notin'
Less than un
A, One, No-thing

Unless you're published
Unless you're certified
By someone who is certified
Legitimized by a higher authority/power

Don't give up
Your authenticity
You-r genuine-ness
To be approved

By them
By some out-side body
Body of government
Body in hu-man form

Stand up

The status quo
The celebrity cult-u-r-e
The "I'm no-body un-less you certify me to be some-body"
The "I'm accept-able because you approve of my words, thoughts, looks, style, car, job/no job, ...]

My American Dream is about trampling
Down the white picket fence to
Let the weeds grow and take over the world
While their yellow flowers pollinate and feed wild bees

While you trample the poor
I'll stand in your way
I'll get in your way
Come join

Once the road is closed
The flowers burst through
The smells over-whelm
Joy is once again lived through community

I turn toward you
I see the translucent colours reflected in your eyes
The flowers blowing through your hair
The setting sun's glow envelopes your long golden hair

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