Saturday, 28 October 2017

Can A Doll Be A Muslim Or A Terror-ist?*

Governments are be-coming more right-wing and racist [along with fascistic].... Trump has led the way to hate - whether it be Mexicans or Muslims. He wants to force Mexico to pay for "the wall". Likewise, keep the Muslims out by an invisible wall.

Austria and Quebec are both discriminating against people covering their faces. While this may not affect huge numbers, it is clearly directed toward the Muslim population and unacceptable.

Interestingly, there are more terror-ist attacks in the U.S. committed by white right-wing "nut jobs" than Muslims. But it's easier to stir up hate for Muslims. Let's remember the attack on Iraq was essentially state sponsored terrorism: using violence to destroy another government, people, land, air....

While some Muslims in the West do "choose" to cover their faces or heads, in many countries they have no choice at all. This is not discussed. And why is it that only women cover? Why don't men? This applies to many religions and cultures. Is this not an indication of sexism? Is this not the result of living in patriarchal societies? It is quite astonishing that this discussion is rare-ly brought up.

We can justify any-thing when we are well indoctrinated. We see this in all areas of society, religion, culture... Just as many here are indoctrinate to hate people that are different, we follow along without questioning. When someone points out biases, sexism, patriarchy, etc. it is easy to run from these real-i-ties by the adage "I chose to think/do/wear..." . We see this in Evangelical churches in the West also, where women are considered less worthy to be leaders both in the home and church. When confronted, the chant is "the bible says...". Likewise others say "the koran says..".

It's easy to "point the finger" [or the gun] but when we do this, there are 3 fingers pointing back at us! Much of the problems begin with blind obedience to a text. To say a text is sacred and inerrant is itself inerrant! Reducing issues/life to black/white simple answers should make us all un-comfort-able. Yet we are told to seek comfort, security and peace in empty platitudes and obedience.

Rather, let love guide us. This includes justice, equality...which all must stem from Com-passion [feel with]. Only compassion can save us from dominating others. We also need to consider the domination of nature [which we are part of!]: the land, air, water, ... all the way "down" to micro-organisms: all of whom we are vitally dependent on.

* The pic is of a doll! and "she" is neither Muslim nor terrorist. She is just a little IS Canada after all! :)

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