But you complain
You don't see them
Why not?
What happened?
What did you do?
What did you NOT do?
Well let's see
You cut all trees
To put your big house
In their place
The birdies used to live
In them
In fact, their home was bulldozed over
Just like a Palestinian home by Israel
Many birds need vast areas
Like thousands of acres
Or they won't inhabit the area
Pave-ment is no substitute
Cut the trees
Plough the land
Plant your vegan food
The birds die
Make that 'pure' green lawn
Monoculture of non-native species
That feed no one but your ego
And the chemical companies' bank account
"Wow, Johnny, how did you get such a nice lawn?"
"Well", says Johnny, "instead of planting a garden for food,
I sprayed lots of pesticides, insecticide and fertilizers on it".
Suddenly the birds eating the poisoned worms died
A pain-filled death
But Johnny has no idea
He drives everywhere listening to great tunes
So he doesn't hear their cries of agony
And his windows are sealed shut
With the A/C on full blast
Sheltered from the real-ity and consequences of his stupidity and self-indulgence
Life is good, he smiles....
But the micro-organisms
And the frogs
Are poisoned out of their homes
Abandoned by human 'kind'
The insects are gone - their habitat replaced by lawns, high-ways, ....
Place of importance
So the birds search for food
But the dandelions that were insect homes
Wiped out
In accordance with your neighbour's wishes [must get his approval]
And the ads telling you what to think/do about your lawn/life
To many their lawn is their life - and death of others
But, hey, LOOK
A mall is being built on more of THEIR land
No need to whine
Let's go shopping
But we can't live without
The frogs, the birds, the water, the air
Fill up your bag and credit card
To avoid the empty-ness of loss connect-i-on
With one an-other
With our brothers and sisters that are non-human
Yet are more human than us
Just watch the birds
Four mouths wide open
Waiting for mom and dad to bring worms
And they do so all day long
Nourishing...not hurting others
As people destroy their homes
As people bomb others' homes
As people make convenience their god
As people ignore the dying and silent ones
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