Sunday, 14 October 2018

Climate Change Is NOT The Problem: It Is A Symptom

While most "intelligent" people won't argue that climate change is real, it in fact, has been well established as the Swedes stated back in 1905. And the oil companies such as Exxon firmly established this fact back in the 70's. Those who "don't believe" are oil execs, religious fanatics, greedy people who know it requires change and those who believe the Youtube videos sponsored by those same oil execs.

Worse are those that proclaim everything is just fine. Proclaiming that we will still have enough food and that the world population will level out at 11 Billion results in more passivity. On "A Day In The Life of Earth" episode of The Nature Of Things we are assured that everyone is "moving up" the economic ladder. We are told there are 1 Billion rich. Hmm, actually things get worse every year. There are 6, yes SIX who own as much wealth as the other 3.5 Billion, according to Oxfam.

More people live in cities now than those in the countryside. That means less food grown by the majority. That means fewer hold control of our food supply. That means more toxic chemicals used and more destruction to the soil. Soil is life. Without nourishing the soil, the plants and animals "naturally", they deteriorate and become life-less and sick. And when we eat them, we become sick. C-A-N-C-E-R.

But how can the 9 Billion people [year 2050] be fed? What land will be left? Do we need to farm every possible mm of land? Farming devours the natural landscape which is essential to clean the air and water. There are OTHER non-human animals that deserve to live aren't there? Well, they can't live on farmed land. Organic or not! Though organic doesn't devour all the microbes in the soil, it still means wiping out forests, plains, etc. to grow food for humans. The rest of the eco-system suffers.

The world IS over-populated. This is the real problem. Look around. Is there drinkable water near you? Do the rivers flow to the ocean? Can you hear the frogs at night? Are you taking responsibility for your food, waste, transportation, etc.? Is the soil improving or becoming deserts? Are the animals healthy? Are the humans healthy? Is the air clean?

Humans - "civilization" - has invaded and shaped the geography of the land more than "nature" has. According to the same Nature Of Things show, 75% of the earth has been changed by humans.Where are 11 Billion people to go? Few people, who do have land, in Canada/U.S.even grow their own food. When asked why, many say, "it's so cheap in the store"..."I can't be bothered"... Sure you can get the Mexican to be your slave labourer. But is this fair? Is this just? Many just want to "play" in their retirement. Ignorance is bliss. I deserve.

I am entitled
I am narcissistic
Serve me
Jesus/Buddha/Mohammad/the universe will make it all better

Magical thinking
Everything is fine
Come with me
Let's fly to that beauty-full beach
Let's go for a Sunday drive

Life is good
I worked hard
I deserve
It's all about ME

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