Saturday, 28 September 2019

Climate Dis-ruption: Youth Demand Change While The World Drives By

The youth have spoken
As they teach their elders
Who are lulled by convenience and greed

Protest around the world
We need to change
No more status quo
No more flights of self-indulgence

Yet the politicians
Are the fossil fuel and corporate executives and lawyers
Thanks Trump, Ford, Brazil....
Mean-while we cry help-less-ness

But the youth say
Stop fucking around
They know they will starve, gasp, ...
But we can't accept any more empty lame promises

In Canada, the lies continue as an election approaches
Andrew Sheer is not sheer at all [not transparent, but is unqualified and full of non-sense]
Wider highways will reduce congestion and pollution

Trudeau uses OUR money
To build a pipeline {at least $5,000,000,000}
And uses the LAW to force it through
LAW and ORDER, indeed [all ways on side of corporations, the rich ... let's be honest, made by them, for them....lobbyists, judges {who are part of them}]

The fat lady at the pool
                      Re-fuses to NOT fly to Florida
"I'll be dead before things get really bad"
                       some say: "Canadians aren't as bad as Americans". What???

It's time WE all change. But what change? Try these on a personal level but corporations/governments need massive overhauls. Remember the US military is the largest polluter [and killer] in the world!

  1. Don't drive [or at least do multiple stuff during trips if "have to drive" [i.e. plumbers etc.] And get smallest more fuel efficient car: hybrids/electric a little better. 
  2. Don't fly. Check out your own area instead. And preserve your area from destruction by building more highways, houses, dumps, ...
  3. Buy organic and/or sustainable agriculture food. Local is best too. Grass fed meats/milk build the soil and make world better. See this blog and food site for more on this topic.
  4. Use public transit, bike, walk, car pool, etc. 
  5. Get involved in community to make #4 more possible.
  6. Grow your own food. If you don't have land, join or start a community garden.
  7. Get rid of grass and plant native plants to feed the bees, birds, humans.
  8. Don't invest in any corporations. They all rape the earth and workers. Share your wealth and put money into local projects. Search "sabbath economics".
  9. Buy less. Buy used or share with others! Don't get the latest phones, pc's etc. Wars continue to get the rare minerals for devices; e.g. in the Congo, etc.
  10. Fix stuff - or start a community fix things group.
  11. Oppose war. [and, of course get involved politically]. War murders, pollutes, and is all ways about more resources for some and less for most. You don't "spread democracy and freedom" by murdering. Time to see through the corporate lies.
Those are just a few ideas. See this blog for more.
But do something NOW.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Hiroshima: 74 Years Ago: What Has Changed?

The war is over
The U.S. wants to prove it's technology
Gotta be #1
Gotta sell 

Selling death
The death instinct as Freud thought?
Or just the love of money
How ironic/evil for a nation that calls itself "Christian"

But the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Were no-thing
Even the "Mother Of All Bombs" 
Dropped on Syria is said to be more power-full

Stupid thoughts
They are all evil
The power-full [i.e. greedy, vicious,...] nations
That wield power must [be] stop[ped]

The U.S. spends nearly $800,000,000,000
On death 
Starving the poor
And devouring the earth: the land, water, air...

Devouring our minds, spirits, souls
Demanding hatred
Embracing exceptionalism
Condemning others while doing/be-ing worse

Nato members bow to the U.S. pressure
When most of the world pleads to ban nuclear weapons
The U.S. sends a memo to allies to vote against it 
And to boycott the vote

Like good sub-missive whimps
The "leaders" obey the U.S.
"God forbid" they ask their people
Oh yea, democracy in action!

This sham of free nations, democracy
The rich and corporations rule
We stay silent and talk about how great and free we are
And, oh, we are so much better than those dictators in Iran, Venezuela, China, Russian, ....

Isn't it time for corporations to stop making weapons
Shouldn't we be making the world better?
But what about the share holders?
I don't want to give up my 2 homes [so many have cottages!], my cars, my trips

Our greed
Feeds war
When will we blush
With shame?

Time to heed:
You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.'
But I tell you: Love your enemies, bless those who curse you,
do good to those who hate you,
that you may be sons [and daughters] of your Father in heaven....
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 5

Monday, 15 July 2019

Composting Toilet: Turning Turds Into Tomatoes: Save 20000L Water Too!

Predictions that 1/10 of the world won't have drinkable water within this decade are becoming a real-i-ty. Yet, in countries with a supposed abundance of drinkable water,  we use vast amounts to flush our poop away. Many people will use 20000L of water per year to accomplish this superlative task!

Is this an advisable and lofty design of our cities in the face of much more than 10% of world not having potable water? The flock of people leaving places like Honduras to go to the U.S., is largely due to the lack of water and droughts, brought on by Climate Disruption! Many in rural Canada and the U.S. also only have limited water. Much of the world has toxic water! So we should be grate-ful and ACT to protect and save ours.

"Waste water" systems are massive, very expensive structures. The composting toilet uses no water - so you don't pay for water - or "waste" it. "Waste" is no longer "bad" but a valuable "resource"! Instead of damaging water, land, you will now be making it better. And you will have free gold. Created by your-self!

The great thing is that you can easily [and not stinkily!] compost your poop. What's needed? Well you can buy "high tech" units which are self-maintained - so all you do is poop and enjoy the water savings! Some can be expensive but so are "regular" water-hogging toilets.

Here's how to do it for FREE! And the great thing with either route is you end up with wonder-ful compost you can grow food in or spread outdoors somewhere even if you don't have land.

1. A pail [preferably around a 23L size - grape/wine do-it-yourself places have these; check grocery stores, etc]
2. Some absorbent material [for the smell - which is mainly from urine!]: leaves, wood chips, or sawdust all work well.
3. Something to sit on. Books work well - 1 under each cheek! Or you can use a reg toilet seat. You can also build a unit with a seat on it. I use bibles as the bible says the body is the temple of God. So this is a sacred place! :)
4. Somewhere you want to poop in. Beside your reg toilet is a great place. You can use the old one to stack your books on!

1.  Put about 5cm of the leaves, chips etc in the bottom of pail. Then do your stuff: 123PoopItOut! Wipe [if you like!]. Then add a couple of cm more of the chips etc. Put the lid on. Done!
2. When about 3/4 full, it's time to empty. Have a designated spot and dump it. It should only smell a little for a few hours. So don't put right on the edge of the property. The more chips etc. in it - the less the smell.
3. Rinse: fill 1/10 full or so and swish around. Repeat at least 5x. You can use detergent but don't necessarily need to. Any marks on side can be cleaned with leaves, grass etc. Or you can use a hose etc.
4. Try to leave in the sun for at least a few hours. Then put chips etc on the bottom and take back inside. Easy!

You have now saved about 20000L of water per person per year! It's a good idea to leave the pile for about a year if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Experiment with size of pile [# of dump[ings] on it!]. 5 or so is good. You can get compost thermometers to be sure it reaches 140C to kill pathogens. But this isn't really necessary. Or just use after a year and don't grow leafy or rooting veg in it. Tomatoes etc love it!

It may seem scary at first: our cult-u-r-e of fecalphobia. But, like most habits, it's no big deal soon.
One thing that helps to reduce smell, but is NOT necessary, is to pee into a jug or small pail [if you don't have a pee pee]. This can be put directly on the roots of growing plants.

En-joy the "fruits" of your "labour"! :)

Saturday, 29 June 2019

We MUST Defend The Poor And The Earth

So much of "spirituality", religion, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. ignores both the poor and the devastation of our home: the earth. Yet, Judaism is to be founded on social justice principles as the prophet Jeremiah [ch. 5-6] demanded. Caring for Creation, of course, is protecting the poor. For the poor are the ones with the toxic landfill dumps, factories, carcinogenic air, land, water under, around, and over them.

Yet 'business as usual' is the trance.
Gotta work hard
Gotta buy that car
Have a kid

Governments, military and biz happily
Skip along.
Hidden hands.Hidden hand-shakes.

More money for bombs
Less for schools, hospitals, regulations, ...
And don't forget to cut funding for women's health-care
And control over THEIR OWN bodies. See last post and also here

Yet the Jewish scriptures reveal a contrary view of the world and God's demands on us:

"Their evil deeds have no limit;
they do not plead the cause of the poor to win it,
they do not defend the rights of the poor.
Should I not punish them for this?" 
declares the Lord. 

God is 'pissed'. Israel, then, as now, ignore the demands for social justice.
[Breaking International Law to build 'settlements', oppress the Palestinians]
Likewise biz and governments, especially conservative right-wing ones follow suit.
Church, synagogue, mosque, temple, ... goers....pass by such demands.
How can they?

The prophets prophecy lies,
the priests rule by their own authority,
and my people love it this way.

Then, and now, people want liars - from the pulpits
The biz head-quarters/pulpit
The military head-quarters/pulpit
Don't think/question/rebel!

Hiding behind cliches of God's chosen people
Most nations chant such empty and deceiving blurbs
Uniting the nation, the team, the ...
Against the enemy "the evil one".

But God/justice will not listen, instead:

I will destroy the Daughter of Zion, 
so beautiful and delicate
Shepherds and their flocks will come against her...
The city must be punished;
it is filled with oppression.

Note the values
No talk of balanced budgets
Military contracts

But justice: care for the poor
Freedom for the oppressed
Bad news for the oppressors
Bad news for exploitative economic/political/social/environmental 'systems' 

But Good News: hope for the oppressed.
Let our lives be dedicated to fight oppress-i-on
To struggle with all life forms that the Creator entrusts to us
But this requires that the oppressor must be brought down.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Men Still OWN Women's Bodies OR Do What I Say Or Go To Jail.

It's a strange world, Billy:
Men are still trying to tell women
What to think, do, feel, speak...
Controlling their bodies, minds, spirits, souls. [or so they think!]

Yet these men have no soul.
They say all life matters.
Except for the women [well, actually, anyone/thing out-side of them-selves].
She must obey.

Or suffer.
Life im-prison-ment for doctors who honour a woman
Docs can not even suggest abortion!
Free speech, my ass!

You can carry a gun
You can say you hate Jews, Blacks, ....
Second amendment  or ?
But shut up, women .... or reason

We know best
We tell you.
We don't ask you.
We keep you out of OUR decisions

These men, clearly with little pee pees
Say "smaller government"
The market will solve everything
It's done wonders for pollution, climate disruption, 1 Billion starving, 6 people have 1/2 world's wealth

Yet they want government to control
Sex-u-ality and re-production
The bigger the military, the true killer of life
The better

No sex education in schools
Hmmm, wonder why girls get pregnant then?!
And it's evangelicals who very oft do
Or they use some other orifice so it's not a "sin"

Abortion is "biblical" see here , not that it matters necessarily
But these men hate life
They do all they can to wipe out every living organism
Climate disruption is not real, they decry.

Rape the forests
Rape the earth, water, air...
Rape the woman
Rape your 11 year old daughter

Rape and incest victims
Have to keep the organism alive
Thanks Dad
You're a good Family Man.

These men, and brain-washed women won't dia[2]logue.
Not listening or caring, they thrust their will on the "inferior" sex
Is this really a democracy where most of the population are silenced or ignored?
The lobbyists smile, "it sure is" la la la la...

Don't kid yourself
The rich and religious will still get great health care [which includes abortion]
The poor women, and oft poverty = coloured, will not be able to afford it
They will join the many women who die giving birth [u.s. one of world's highest infant and maternal mortality "rates" in "developed" world]

Isn't it time for revolution.
Keep the guns at home.
Put down the phone and u-n-i-te
Stop submitting!

The world will be saved, if it can be, only by the unsubmissive.
-Andre Gide

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Canada: The 51st State Of The United States

As the Canadian government holds Huawei executive Meng Wanzhau, "China" retaliates by imprisoning Canadians. A Chinese official, clearly 'unhappy' says Canada is just part of the U.S. How true. While obeying the extradition law with the U.S., the U.S. does nothing as China retaliates. But good old Canada submits like a good servant. Leading the way is Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Chrystia Freeland, proclaiming how we must be a nation under law. Liberal MP John McKay, Chair of the Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, puppets the same: “It’s hard to make a trade deal with another country that doesn’t respect the rule of law,” McKay declared.

Yet "Canada" loves relations with Israel, that the 4th Geneva Convention, for example, has declared are breaking "the law" with its settlements. And since when does "Canada" care about the Yemenese starving and dying. Selling arms to wipe out another country are "a ok". Go Saudi Arabia!

Then we look at "Canada" [note the parenthesis: for the government does not represent the people! Why don't we have referendums on issues??? Oh yea: democrazy!] working with the U.S. to overthrow a democratically elected government in Venezuela! The Carter Center has declared their elections are fair and without corruption. Oh, but both Trump and Bush got in without the majority of votes. Hmm. Not to mention, it's the rich who influence the election...along with suppression of votes, gerrymandering, etc.It's okay for "us" but not for them.

Sure - install a right wing government that will allow U.S. oil companies to take their oil. Ah, oil. And the U.S. has out-rightly said that is what they want! Well, I suppose they are growing up and realizing it's better to be "honest". Ok: no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq...but we will destroy you with them!

Isn't it time to make Canada "great again". More pipelines are the answer. Forget pollution, climate change. Increase profits for the rich. Keep wages low. Follow other "world leaders". Don't ask or follow what your constituents want. And they call this democracy. "Representation" democracy is a sham. The well paid dictocrats do not represent us. We need participatory democracy where we have "a say". With tech we could! And we should! Short terms would keep them from getting too cozy! They should have problems sleeping at night - worried what "the people" might do.

A whole different system where WE run our countries could exist. Anarchism means that we are all equal and SHARE power. What a crazy idea! Now get back in line! Get back to work! Shut up! Don't think! Don't act! Let's go shopping! :)

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Climate Change Proposal To Doug Ford, with love

A lame 'plan' from the Ford government is up for comments till January 28, 2019. So write them [up till 11:59pm]. The link has a comment 'button' for commenting. Here's a few key ideas taken from The People's Climate Plan.

  1. Commit to and invest in 100% renewable energy by 2030, and stop spending taxpayers’ money on expensive, dirty energy sources. Take advantage of low-cost electricity options, including the adoption of energy conservation strategies and the purchase of Quebec water power.7
  2. Do not misuse public money. Account for the money that was raised in cap-and-trade auctions, which was earmarked for things like public building retrofits. Do not spend $30 million in tax dollars taking the federal government to court to fight a carbon fee that will be returned directly to Ontario’s schools, hospitals and households (an average family will receive $300 in 2019).8
  3. Create jobs and save Ontarians money by accelerating the adoption of renewables, significantly increasing energy efficiency programs, and restoring incentives for building retrofits and the adoption of solar, heat pump and geothermal energy. Modernize the building code to ensure new buildings achieve net-zero emissions by 2020.9
  4. Ensure that green transportation choices are accessible and affordable for Ontarians, including reliable low-carbon public transport, electric vehicles, supporting grid systems, and safe, active options like walking and cycling.10
  5. Ensure Ontario’s long-term prosperity by taking full advantage of green tech opportunities and our skilled workforce. Build infrastructure to help skilled workers in construction, manufacturing and transportation secure long-term employment in clean tech, rather than in polluting, fossil-fuel dependent industries that are unreliable job providers.11
  6. Account for the social cost of carbon and choose an effective way to fund green initiatives. Reconsider using our tax dollars to pay polluters in a system that already failed when adopted in Australia.12 Any system chosen should show reduced emissions in line with ambitious climate targets.
  7. Conserve and protect our cherished wilderness and green spaces including Ontario’s Greenbelt. Protect at least 17% of lands and inland waters by 2020; they are our most effective carbon sink.13
  8. Create a plan that is SMART - Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Relevant and Timebound - including short and long-term targets, concrete details, clear timelines, and a system to transparently and frequently measure progress. Include ongoing meaningful public consultation, e.g., a working group comprised of academics, scientists, front-line workers and city representatives.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Prolifers Are Not Pro-life And How To Convert Them

Listening to today's broadcast of We Are U of T , the show discussed the disgust with the anti-abortionists. Sadly, the argument is all-ways framed with respect to a women's right. While this may be true, such an argument, or more of a slogan, does not penetrate the 'pro-lifers' ears/minds/heart.

Why not? In a word: indoctrination.The pro-lifer has been told a dogma and steps in line to follow the leader - be it parents, church, mosque, politicians, etc. It is quite the task to get someone to listen who has such a 'solid foundation' of indoctrination.

Then comes the pro-choice woman, clearly full of privilege - a student of the University of Toronto - one of the most difficult schools in Canada to enter. She is full of herself. She is right. The others are wrong. While playing a victim, as many of the show's guests do, mainly claiming only Whites have privilege, she lauds her 'rightness' and their 'wrong-ness'. She does bring up some good points. But the 'attitude needs to go'! She is filled with hate for her 'enemies'...just as her enemies hate her.

So how can she reach and 'convert' the pro-lifers? Well, first, she should read the bible. That is what the pro-lifers supposedly use as a basis. The bible actually clearly states that abortion is right and the will of God. See my discussion, here. They will be shocked but still,"good luck with that". It is very difficult to discuss when someone thinks he/she is right.

And that includes the smug pro-choicer. [Not saying all - but the ones on the show certainly are]. We all need to listen, try to under-stand the "other". But if both "sides" think they are right...I'm sure the reader knows how that goes.

Perhaps a better approach is to focus on the fact that most pro-lifers are not pro-life at all. One third of Americans identify as evangelicals . If you want to dialogue with them, you need to understand the psyche and the bible. Like Eric Hoffer, in The True Believer states, all groups have unifying agents, such as hate, imitation, self-sacrifice, etc. This is true of both parties discussed above. But with the bible being  mainly a social justice, anti-authoriatarian, anti-self-indulgence text, the pro-lifer is obliged to know and obey these principles. In fact, Jesus demands we die to our selves and for our neighbour. See my many articles for support .

Most pro-lifers support war. They support TAKING the life of fetues, children, women, men, animals, ... yet are against abortion! What? 2,000,000 dead in Iraq for U.S. imperial "interests". Well, gosh darn it, that is just fine! Driving, flying is just fine too. Devouring your neighbour, the Earth, all...just fine. Remember that driving is the #1 killer of kids in Canada/U.S. The list goes on - all fine. But don't kill the cells in a woman's body. Don't! Come on.

Oh, and don't take anti-biotics [anti-life] as they kill billions of bacteria = life. Oops...we need to be selective in what we 'classify' as 'life'. And let's forget that the body rejuvenates - literally rebirths itself - every 7 years. The amazing body is a war zone killing off living organisms without end: or we will end. But somehow the cells called 'fetus' are different. 

They/we all need to make system changes that support all life. With over 50% of the U.S. budget spent on the military = death instinct = insanity = anti-life = * . It's time both sides: all strive for life. That means sacrifice. What? Take the bus? What I can't fly to Florida, Europe, ....?

Don't we all NEED to be truly pro-life? Most on the left and wherever they are wandering around, expect the government and corporations to change. But they take no personal responsibility. See other post here to see how to do better. We need serious structural changes so that the poor are not dying... so that the air is not that the insects are not that our gut biome is not dying [billions of life forms,again]...

We need to live as the punk band Flux Of Pink Indians said: "Striving To Survive Causing The Least Suffering Possible".
The end. Or is it? If we don't change it will be soon. Good luck everybody else, as the Asian woman driver says as she switches 7 lanes without signaling. Oops.....blame Family Guy for that one! Such insensitivity. That should be censored. I think Asians are the best drivers! Should that be censored for mentioning race? Oh yea, it's only ok to criticize the 'whites'. Oops again. Sorry about that. Where's Jordan Peterson when you need him?