The youth have spoken
As they teach their elders
Who are lulled by convenience and greed
Protest around the world
We need to change
No more status quo
No more flights of self-indulgence
Yet the politicians
Are the fossil fuel and corporate executives and lawyers
Thanks Trump, Ford, Brazil....
Mean-while we cry help-less-ness
But the youth say
Stop fucking around
They know they will starve, gasp, ...
But we can't accept any more empty lame promises
In Canada, the lies continue as an election approaches
Andrew Sheer is not sheer at all [not transparent, but is unqualified and full of non-sense]
Wider highways will reduce congestion and pollution
Trudeau uses OUR money
To build a pipeline {at least $5,000,000,000}
And uses the LAW to force it through
LAW and ORDER, indeed [all ways on side of corporations, the rich ... let's be honest, made by them, for them....lobbyists, judges {who are part of them}]
The fat lady at the pool
Re-fuses to NOT fly to Florida
"I'll be dead before things get really bad"
some say: "Canadians aren't as bad as Americans". What???
It's time WE all change. But what change? Try these on a personal level but corporations/governments need massive overhauls. Remember the US military is the largest polluter [and killer] in the world!
- Don't drive [or at least do multiple stuff during trips if "have to drive" [i.e. plumbers etc.] And get smallest more fuel efficient car: hybrids/electric a little better.
- Don't fly. Check out your own area instead. And preserve your area from destruction by building more highways, houses, dumps, ...
- Buy organic and/or sustainable agriculture food. Local is best too. Grass fed meats/milk build the soil and make world better. See this blog and food site for more on this topic.
- Use public transit, bike, walk, car pool, etc.
- Get involved in community to make #4 more possible.
- Grow your own food. If you don't have land, join or start a community garden.
- Get rid of grass and plant native plants to feed the bees, birds, humans.
- Don't invest in any corporations. They all rape the earth and workers. Share your wealth and put money into local projects. Search "sabbath economics".
- Buy less. Buy used or share with others! Don't get the latest phones, pc's etc. Wars continue to get the rare minerals for devices; e.g. in the Congo, etc.
- Fix stuff - or start a community fix things group.
- Oppose war. [and, of course get involved politically]. War murders, pollutes, and is all ways about more resources for some and less for most. You don't "spread democracy and freedom" by murdering. Time to see through the corporate lies.
But do something NOW.
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