Friday, 27 September 2024
Monday, 2 September 2024
Why All The Home-less? What Can We Do?
Hoisting the canoe
Onto my shoulders
Wobbling to the lake
Splash! It plunges into the water
Paddling in clear clean water
A relief
A re-lease
Landing on the island
Setting up my home: my tent
Protected from the rain
And bugs
But not from bears, coyotes, foxes...
Or the bull frog that pounds on the "door" at 3 a.m.
"Let me in" or maybe he said
"Get off my land" lol
On the way home across the lake
I, again, see all the huge cottages
Better labelled as "second homes"
I am astonished and disgusted every time
At the in-justice, the greed, the unconsciousness
Especially when I arrive in the city
Riding my bike, I'm surrounded by tents
Ripped, dirty, in need of repair
Just like those that occupy them [and all of us]
Perhaps they lost their jobs
Or couldn't exist on the parenthetically low minimum wage
Or are refugees of the climate emergency
Or maybe I'm in Gaza: look at all the tents [that don't stop the water from coming in!]
Where the entire population has to keep moving
Or they will be murdered by the IDF
By the way, they still will be!
Even after moving to "safe zones"
Relocating even 15 times!
Or the 15000 Palestinian homes that have been stolen and demolished
In the West Bank by armed settlers and the IDF
They are worse than "just" home-less
10,000 from West Bank imprisoned
Home-less: and tortured, raped yet not charged!
We can watch on our big screen TV's in our warm homes.
We need a system change: not charity
A livable minimum wage, unions run by the workers,
Less capitalism and cops and more social programs
Less bombs and more food
The home-less "are Jesus" and Jesus is the home-less:
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came and visited me.
...Whatever you did for one of the least
Of did for me."
Matthew 25: 35-36 NIV
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Peace Not NATO - It's Time To Fight For Peace And Disband NATO
The food bank line
Seems to never end
The manager says the clients
Have more than doubled in the last year
My illiterate Afghani adult students
Struggle to write their names
Glad to be in Canada
They gush with gratitude to their teachers
NATO destroyed their country
Trudeau assures Canadians today [July 10, 2024]
That "we" will meet the 2%
Handing over of OUR money to the hate machine
More like stealing OUR
"Hard earned dollars" - which they are
We need to say enough is enough
Demanding OUR labour is for good - not profit and destruction
Complacency is finished
We need to educate
And devour the lies
That NATO/military are 'forces' of good
The world [including nature] suffers
As profiteers cheer with glee
As stocks soar
Along with Gazan body parts at another school attack
It's time to fight back
No time for hope-less-ness
It's time for act-i-on
In words and deeds
The over $1.2 trillion spent on murder
Needs to satisfy OUR needs
As the climate emergency scarily escalates
We need to hound our politicians
The media that reassures that all is well
Must be countered
We need to be thorns in the sides
Of the profiteers and liars
We need to be en-gaged citizens
But I wonder why my MP never returns my calls
Let us still persevere and encourage others to as well
For all is not well
But it can be
Don't lose hope
Stay engaged
Fight back!
Peace not NATO!
More hope is found in the words of the Jewish prophet Micah:
But as for me, I am filled with power,
with the Spirit of the LORD,
and with justice and might
to declare to Jacob his transgression,
to Israel his sin.
Hear this, you leaders of the house of Jacob,
you rulers of the house of Israel,
who despise justice
and distort what is right;
who build Zion with bloodshed
and Jerusalem with wickedness.
"I am planning disaster against this people,
from which you cannot save yourselves."
Micah 3
Saturday, 30 March 2024
Friday, 22 March 2024
WAR Is A Racket
In the game of war
It's played like a game
Lives tossed in to the furnace
Of profits
The companies know well
The share holders jump with glee-full sounds
At the sounds
of bombs dropping
The companies win
As stocks sky rocket
As rockets burst through the sky
As rockets burst into the child lining up for a little morsel of food
The profiteers sit back
With full stomachs
Belly aches from so much excess
Sore backs from sedentary lives, minds, and hearts
They don't go to war
No - the poor are sent off
No jobs
No choice [you know: cut social programs, keep wages low, move factories for cheaper labour]
The media, which the rich own
Which owns us
Our minds and
Therefore our souls
Convinces us
That we are good
And those over "there" - wherever "there" is
Are bad
It might be Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Russia, China, Mars
But we are all-ways right-eous
We all-ways know best
And, of course, we want to help/save those poor bastards [so we are so easily convinced]
For we don't believe in sin
We are beyond sin
We are pure
And, of course, we bring "demo-crazy"
With "the rule of law"
As our guide
We will save you all
You will thank us one day
Our minds are bleached
Our hearts are filled with gadgets
And denied pain
If only we could see the mad-ness
Of murdering
If only we had com-passion [feel with]
Instead of moral superior-ity
Judging instead of be-ing with the suffer-ing
The mom who holds her dead baby
A baby who starved because we dropped bombs and not food
Did she profit?
She screams in agony
She weeps
Oh Gaza, dear Gaza [or fill in with other]
Why do they hates us?
Forgive me my child I could not feed you
My breasts dried up
I have not eaten for months
I have not had a drink of water
My mind and body and heart and soul are traumatized
They have taken away our food, water, land and re-placed with bombs
They must have no eyes
No ears
No heart
Or is it they have no soul?
As they go on in their busy petty self-indulgent circles
Tuesday, 23 January 2024
Creating Soil: Cover Crops And Wormies Will Help You!
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Cover crops provide a home for extremely beneficial "insects" and more! |
We all want "better" soil or at least to maintain the wonder-full soil we have - if we do. As crops are taken out of the soil, they remove soil, nutrients and water from the soil. So we need to continually [key word] add these and more to the soil.
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Field radish [daikon]grown to loosen subsoil |
- to protect the soil from 'the elements'
- to build the soil through the addition of nutrients and organic matter
- to smother/kill weeds through the dense growth of the cc - and the allelopathic actions of them
- to loosen/break up the soil via deep rooted cc's,
- fight erosion
- maintain moisture
- radiation protection
- prevent leaching and volatilization of nutrients
- scavenge nutrients [especially N, P]
- carbon sequestation/fight the climate emergency
- provide home for predatory insects
- provide pollination for bees, butterflies, others
- fight pests/diseases
Fall rye planted in rows of Rau Ram |
The grower needs to determine which 'actions' are the most needed. Some farmers, like local organic grain producer Ray Halma cover all bases by planting mixes - consisting of 14 different plant seeds. I am also experimenting with General Seed Company's Nitro Winter Cocktail . Their website is also a wealth of information of any cover crop your heart and soil! may dream of.
A few examples for growing in the Northeast include, but not limited to:
N source: red clover, hairy vetch, berseem, sweet clover, alfalfa, peas
Soil builder: rye grass, sweet clover, sorghum-sudan grass, rye
Erosion fighter: rye, rye grass, white clover, oats
Subsoil loosener: sorghum-sudan grass, field radish [daikon], sweet clover, alfalfa
Weed fighter: sorghum-sudan grass, rye, ryegrass, buckwheat
Pest fighter: rye, sorghum-sudan grass. One audience member suggested that wire worm can be killed using black sesame.
More areas to consider include: the impact on the soil: we can look at subsoil impact, freeing up P & K and loosening the top soil. Looking at the soil ecology we should consider both the present condition of the following along with what we want to accomplish in the area of nematodes, disease, allelopathic effect and choking of weeds. Other important considerations include the attraction of beneficials, how well the cc's bear traffic and the length of the growing window.
The cost of seed also needs to be considered. It also should be noted that grasses produce much more organic matter than legumes do. And while grasses take up/scavenge N left over from previous crops, N is less likely to be released for a crop grown immediately after the cover crop is grown.
Mixing grasses with legume cc's in your cropping systems helps alleviate the N-immobilization effect. This can lead to more dry organic matter and erosion control due the different growth habits of the species.
For more information, see the classic Canadian Organic Growers "Organic Field Crop Handbook". The Organic Science Cluster work is also a valuable resource.
For a totally different and, in some ways, complementary approach, Carolyn Merchant notes in The Death Of Nature that Renaissance behaviour treated nature as a "person-writ-large". And American-Indian tribes, like the Columbia Basin Tribes opposed the Europeans attitudes in the mid-1800s [prevalent today]. Smohalla [p.28] is quoted as saying:
You ask me to plow the ground! Shall I take a knife and tear my mother's breast? Then when I die she will not take me to her bosom to rest.
You ask me to dig for stone! Shall I dig under her skin for her bones? Then when I die I cannot enter her body to be born again.
You ask me to cut grass and make hay and sell it, and be rich like white men! But how dare I cut off my mother's hair?