Thursday 11 July 2024

Peace Not NATO - It's Time To Fight For Peace And Disband NATO



The food bank line

Seems to never end

The manager says the clients

Have more than doubled in the last year

My illiterate Afghani adult students

Struggle to write their names

Glad to be in Canada

They gush with gratitude to their teachers

NATO destroyed  their country

Trudeau assures Canadians today [July 10, 2024]

That "we" will meet the 2%

Handing over of OUR money to the hate machine


More like stealing OUR

"Hard earned dollars" - which they are

We need to say enough is enough

Demanding OUR labour is for good - not profit and destruction

Complacency is finished

We need to educate

And devour the lies

That NATO/military are 'forces' of good

The world [including nature] suffers

As profiteers cheer with glee

As stocks soar

Along with Gazan body parts at another school attack

It's time to fight back

No time for hope-less-ness

It's time for act-i-on

In words and deeds

The over $1.2 trillion spent on murder

Needs to satisfy OUR needs

As the climate emergency scarily escalates

We need to hound our politicians 


The media that reassures that all is well

Must be countered

We need to be thorns in the sides

Of the profiteers and liars


 We need to be en-gaged citizens

But I wonder why my MP never returns my calls

Let us still persevere and encourage others to as well

For all is not well


But it can be

Don't lose hope

Stay engaged

Fight back!


 Peace not NATO!

More hope is found in the words of the Jewish prophet Micah:

But as for me, I am filled with power,

with the Spirit of the LORD,

and with justice and might

to declare to Jacob his transgression,

to Israel his sin.

Hear this, you leaders of the house of Jacob,

you rulers of the house of Israel,

who despise justice

and distort what is right;

who build Zion with bloodshed

and Jerusalem with wickedness.

"I am planning disaster against this people,

from which you cannot save yourselves."

Micah 3

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