I don't 'need' any-one
I'm totally self-sufficient
I can handle any-thing
I am goddess
I am shaman
I am capable of doing any-thing
I can full-fill all my dreams
I can't live with-out my phone
I can't live with-out my car
I can't live with-out the grocery store
I can't live with-out my job
But I need a mechanic to fix my car
But I need a dentist to fix my teeth
But I need a 'geek' to fix my electronics
But I need a psychologist to help me deal with those weak people
We used to value inter-depend-ency
We used to value commun-i-ty
We used to be able to admit our help-less-ness
We used to be humble
We have been lied to
You are invincible
You are perfect
You are wonder-ful
We have little tolerance for the ordinary
We dream big
We live big
Our hearts and lives are full of greed and self-indulgence
We can be rich
We can be power-full
We can go where-ever and when-ever we want [after I ask my boss]
We are celebrity
Our fantasy is real
We don't settle for any-thing less than ______________
For we lack empathy
For we ride above the clouds
Smash: We find our-selves through others and institutions
Through face to face inter-act-i-ons of love, work, learning, ....growing
With others, through others: serving rather than be-ing served
This is cult-ur-e
This is life
The worship of the individual
Has sunken down deep into the murky waters of narcissism
Drowning us in misery and dissatisfaction
It's time to join
Hand in hand
Ex-pressing needs and reaching out to help
It is through inter-dependence that we find mean-ing
When we unite with others and all creation
Esteeming commitment and discipline
This is real person-hood.
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