Is the largest in the world
Spending more than the next 7 countries
"Do what we say
Or we'll kill you"
Is the government's mantra
Good Christian ethic
Cops kill
And don't get punished
Especially if it's "just" a black
Cops more important
Politicians lie
Nothin' happens
The mass stays passive
And/or ignorant....ah, bliss...
1 in 4 kids don't have adequate food
Teachers have to feed the kids in schools [like W.Virginia]
But there's almost $1,000,000,000 for bombs
And "security"
Security you say......Don't trust your neighbour
Don't trust anyone except authority figures:
Cops, Docs, Lawyers, Politicians....
Or anyone with a gun strapped to their body like an appendage
About 6% trust politicians
About 86% trust the military:
Esteemed by the prez
Esteemed by the media
The military IS our foreign policy
America is #1
We are exceptional!
Watch out MF's
So when some kid thinks it's ok to storm a school
Armed with assault weapons
Armed with a life of being told to not feel anything but anger
Armed with the answer to all the worlds' problems: P O W E R
How can any one be surprised?
90 gun deaths everyday in good ole U S A!
Where the second amendment keeps the nation
And hence the world safe and sound
Hear the sound of the school bells ring
Hear the sound of clang in the politicians pockets
[thanx NRA for supporting the gun industry...and free-dom of course!]
Hear the sound of teeth grinding as we all live in fear of each other
Hear the sound of agony as we lose each other to violence: here, in war, in car 'accidents', in....
Lock your doors
Get your gun
So you can shoot your neighbour who wants your stuff
Welcome to "America"
The country with the most inequality of any
People living in fear
Why not equalize pay among all?
No more greed - no more need...
How 'bout some of the Christian love you spout about
"Love thy neighbour"....feed your neighbour...embrace your neighbour
Lay your life down for you neighbour
Die for your neighbour
Jesus said to turn the other cheek
Do the exact opposite of the instinctual [or conditioned] retaliation
Love even thy enemy
Do hence forth andl "make America great again"!
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