Wednesday, 5 December 2018

What Makes A Man?

It's really quite simple      
There's a little box
If you can fit through the little door
You are a [real] man

Most men make it through the little door
Sadly, so do many women
It's like a club
A real sad, dysfunctional club

In the box you find there are a lot of rules
A LOT! If you break any
You are instantly shamed, beat up, cast out, labeled
Maybe even raped


It's okay and lauded to show anger
Violence is just and just-i-fied
Big trucks and fast cars are accessories [so are 'hot' 'girls']
Taking up a lot of space is mandatory

Domination is a great goal and character trait
Dominate nature with your truck, boat, plane, big house, big steak, ...
Dominate your girl friend
Dominate your kids

Be in control
Control others
But you don't need to show self-control
You can let that temper fly - a sign of strength and man-hood

Remember, many women are part of the boys club too!

Those that get ousted might show 'feminine', whimpy things like

But who needs them in our club?
Even though many 'real men' battle depression
Even though they have no intimate friends
They won't reach out

That's what booze is for
That's what violence is for
"Let's go beat up that 'fag'/activist/'nigger' [remember lynching?!]/trans/["illegal"] immigrant/poor country/nature...."

Keep moving - keep running - from your-self

"I just wish I had someone to share my pain with"
"Why can't I touch an-other man without being condemned as 'gay'
"Why can't I cry?"
"Why must I amputate vital parts of my-self [so that others will accept me]?"

Living in fear
Living in fear of emotions other than happiness and anger
Living in fear of getting close
Living in fear of my real pain and lone-liness

Why can't I be authentic?
Why can't I like colours?
Why do you shame me when I tell you your words hurt me?
Why don't you call me when sad?

It takes more strength to be real
It takes more strength to show empathy
It takes more courage to be 'soft'
I won't let you control me

So let's go to the game
Let's yell as our team hits, beats, smashes the other team
We can bond through violence
Even better: let's go to WAR! - the ultimate show of strength and violence

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Climate Change Is NOT The Problem: It Is A Symptom

While most "intelligent" people won't argue that climate change is real, it in fact, has been well established as the Swedes stated back in 1905. And the oil companies such as Exxon firmly established this fact back in the 70's. Those who "don't believe" are oil execs, religious fanatics, greedy people who know it requires change and those who believe the Youtube videos sponsored by those same oil execs.

Worse are those that proclaim everything is just fine. Proclaiming that we will still have enough food and that the world population will level out at 11 Billion results in more passivity. On "A Day In The Life of Earth" episode of The Nature Of Things we are assured that everyone is "moving up" the economic ladder. We are told there are 1 Billion rich. Hmm, actually things get worse every year. There are 6, yes SIX who own as much wealth as the other 3.5 Billion, according to Oxfam.

More people live in cities now than those in the countryside. That means less food grown by the majority. That means fewer hold control of our food supply. That means more toxic chemicals used and more destruction to the soil. Soil is life. Without nourishing the soil, the plants and animals "naturally", they deteriorate and become life-less and sick. And when we eat them, we become sick. C-A-N-C-E-R.

But how can the 9 Billion people [year 2050] be fed? What land will be left? Do we need to farm every possible mm of land? Farming devours the natural landscape which is essential to clean the air and water. There are OTHER non-human animals that deserve to live aren't there? Well, they can't live on farmed land. Organic or not! Though organic doesn't devour all the microbes in the soil, it still means wiping out forests, plains, etc. to grow food for humans. The rest of the eco-system suffers.

The world IS over-populated. This is the real problem. Look around. Is there drinkable water near you? Do the rivers flow to the ocean? Can you hear the frogs at night? Are you taking responsibility for your food, waste, transportation, etc.? Is the soil improving or becoming deserts? Are the animals healthy? Are the humans healthy? Is the air clean?

Humans - "civilization" - has invaded and shaped the geography of the land more than "nature" has. According to the same Nature Of Things show, 75% of the earth has been changed by humans.Where are 11 Billion people to go? Few people, who do have land, in Canada/U.S.even grow their own food. When asked why, many say, "it's so cheap in the store"..."I can't be bothered"... Sure you can get the Mexican to be your slave labourer. But is this fair? Is this just? Many just want to "play" in their retirement. Ignorance is bliss. I deserve.

I am entitled
I am narcissistic
Serve me
Jesus/Buddha/Mohammad/the universe will make it all better

Magical thinking
Everything is fine
Come with me
Let's fly to that beauty-full beach
Let's go for a Sunday drive

Life is good
I worked hard
I deserve
It's all about ME

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Where Do The Children Play?

Let's go to the park
And play
I wanna climb that big tree again

Can we, please
I wanna go outside
And run around
Try to catch me if you can

Sorry, Justin
But the tree is gone
All the trees are gone
The park is gone

All the parks are gone
Highways, malls, banks and condos
Shiny glass
Let's go look at their majesty

What? Why? 
Well, Justy, the trees don't do any good
We, a-dolts need to make money
And buy stuff

That's how the world works, my dear
But, Mommy, they're no fun
And I don't wanna work
I wanna play

I want my tree
And the birds that sang to me in the tree
And remember the cute babies in the nest in the tree
I was the king of the castle in the tree

I know, my dear
But soon you'll learn
That only money matters
Even if our sanctuaries are gone

We even need to invade countries
And destroy their trees and parks
So we can bring back their resources
It's a-dolt stuff, you won't under-stand

But why don't people come play with me?
Why do adult want to fight and cut down the trees?
And the people in those banks and malls are not very friendly!
They keep asking me for money.

They don't want to share
Like you taught me to do
I don't want all that crap
I want my trees and birds and butterflies and bees and...

But, Justin, we need jobs and money
We even need all these pipelines to ship dirty dirty tar sands "oil"
We can't leave all that crap in the ground
We can make a lot of money

That way we can buy the stuff
We're convinced we need
And the food that we could have grown
Oh, and bottled water, since ours is polluted by the tar sands, cars, pesticides...

I don't under-stand you a-dolts, Mommy
You guys don't know how to play
Or be happy
So what am I supposed to do?

Where can I play, Mommy?
Where can I go that is quiet and dark at night
A place to breathe fresh air
A place to say Hi to my friends

My friends are gone
I'm so sad, Mommy
All I have is my phone to play on
I miss the trees

and the birds
and the butterflies
and the bees
and the frogs
and the spiders
and the running
and the climbing
and the singing
and the talking
and the listening
and the fun

Friday, 17 August 2018

Priests Rape : Who Needs To Go To Confession Now?

Finally the raping of kids by priests has hit the mainstream press. What do we expect of priests when they are "ordained by God" [as all religious/political leaders claim]? We must blindly obey them.

We MUST submit. Submit to God
Submit to "his representatives on earth"
Submit to priest, iman, guru, "spiritual" "leader"
Submit to parents
Submit to king
Submit to cops
"and so on"

Don't trust the kids
When they report uncle Billy touching them
Don't say such things
He is a christian/good man/party leader/....

Don't THINK such things!
Victims doubt them-selves

Parents silence
Religion silences
Military silences

Don't cause trouble
"Be" "nice" and quiet
Be a good boy/girl/worker
Go a-long

Trust authority
You must be wrong
You have a wild imagin-ation
Maybe it's time to see a psychiatrist

To avoid the pain
Johnny drinks and yells

He's told to not feel
Especially as a man
"Be a man"
"Big boys don't cry" [or report]

"Get over it"
"Move on"
"It is what it is"
"Have a nice day"

Quoting the bible, koran, .....
"The authorities are appointed by God"
"Thou shalt not question"
"Thou shall submit"

Caesar, Hitler, Trump declare the same:
Obey - conform - fight for your NATION - hate - WAR [We Are Right]

Even the text [the bible] that authority say they obey, condemns them and what they do/represent:

"Can a corrupt throne be allied with you -
one that brings on misery by its decrees?
They band together against the righteous
and condemn the innocent to death" Psalm 94

Meanwhile Scott Pruitt told the American people to obey authority, "quoting" the bible...

"They set up kings without my consent;
they choose princes without my approval." Hosea 8

Authority loves power - not justice - not love - not doing the right thing.

"You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted;
you encourage them, and you listen to their cry,
defending the fatherless and the oppressed,
in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify NO MORE." Psalm 10

Let's hear these quoted from the pulpit - church/mosque/state/school/twitter....

Saturday, 30 June 2018

Ford: Guess Who's Subsidizing Polluters Now?

The first thing Doug Ford, Ontario's 26th premier did was to end Ontario's cap and trade and emission reduction programs. Yet he says he knows we want clean water, air....Connection, Doug!

Just like Trump, Ford is attacking the people. We are part of the air, land, water....We are dependent, like children on our environment: our habitat. You are not for the people when you attack and support those destroying our habitat. Let's remember we share it with infinite other beings - to whom we are dependent and should be grate-ful for.

The elimination of cap and trade will "cost" Ontario between $2 and $4 Billion!!!

So where will this lost money come from? He did not account for this - or much - but was still elected. Duh! What an uneducated public! Did Mike Harris and Harper not do enough damage?

Oh, but we need more attacks: let's reduce the price of gas by 10 cents. Hmm. Who will pay for that then?
That's about $1.19 Billion . So the taxes that were going toward roads, social services, etc. will be lost. They will be made up through cuts to social programs. "Oh, but I'm here for the little guy [sic]". Lies.

The car is  the major polluter today [well, the drivers are, really]. Not only do we have 2000000 dead in Iraq for the oil, ISIS as a result, 4-5,000,000 refugees [Iraq alone!]....but drivers kill 1,300,000 people yearly worldwide. And that is not talking about the wiping out of entire eco-systems for roads, mines for resources for the roads, oil spills, Tar Sands devastation, water, land, air pollution.... When will it end?

Time to at least get out of the car, support other forms of transportation....get involved politically....locally and nationally. See other posts for ideas. Time to defeat the old adage: Give me convenience of give me death

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Where Did The Birds And Bees Go? Hello Mall!

You love the little cute birdies
But you complain
You don't see them

Why not?
What happened?
What did you do?
What did you NOT do?

Well let's see
You cut all trees
To put your big house
In their place

The birdies used to live
In them
In fact, their home was bulldozed over
Just like a Palestinian home by Israel

Many birds need vast areas
Like thousands of acres
Or they won't inhabit the area
Pave-ment is no substitute

Cut the trees
Plough the land
Plant your vegan food
The birds die

Make that 'pure' green lawn
Monoculture of non-native species
That feed no one but your ego
And the chemical companies' bank account

"Wow, Johnny, how did you get such a nice lawn?"
"Well", says Johnny, "instead of planting a garden for food,
I sprayed lots of pesticides, insecticide and fertilizers on it".
Suddenly the birds eating the poisoned worms died

A pain-filled death
But Johnny has no idea
He drives everywhere listening to great tunes
So he doesn't hear their cries of agony

And his windows are sealed shut
With the A/C on full blast
Sheltered from the real-ity and consequences of his stupidity and self-indulgence
Life is good, he smiles....

But the micro-organisms
And the frogs
Are poisoned out of their homes
Abandoned by human 'kind'

The insects are gone - their habitat replaced by lawns, high-ways, ....
Place of importance
So the birds search for food
But the dandelions that were insect homes

Wiped out
In accordance with your neighbour's wishes [must get his approval]
And the ads telling you what to think/do about your lawn/life
To many their lawn is their life - and death of others

But, hey, LOOK
A mall is being built on more of THEIR land
No need to whine
Let's go shopping

But we can't live without
The frogs, the birds, the water, the air
Fill up your bag and credit card
To avoid the empty-ness of loss connect-i-on

With one an-other
With our brothers and sisters that are non-human
Yet are more human than us
Just watch the birds

Four mouths wide open
Waiting for mom and dad to bring  worms
And they do so all day long
Nourishing...not hurting others

As people destroy their homes
As people bomb others' homes
As people make convenience their god
As people  ignore the dying and silent ones

Monday, 9 April 2018

MLK Was Not Constipated

Constipated people
Grumpy people
Clinging to their pettiness
Dirty floor

After a most beauty-full
Snowfall in April:
“It would be beautiful
IF in December”

It stands out more now
Trees covered with white gold
Out-standing glory

Petty people
With no-thing to say but shit
With-holding glee
With-holding play-full-ness

Whiny little brats
Using all the earth’s resources
In the blink of a moment
Without a blink of the eye

Hearts covered in fear, anger and resent-ment
Having and taking so much
But giving nothing
Not even a shimmer of gratitude

On a national/world scale
The 3 evils Martin Luther King’s death anniversary smashes in our faces:
Racism, materialism, militarism
Abound in leaps and….

But the peepers still come out
Calling out for mates
The joy of spring surpasses
The little people that fill in the marsh for their McMansion

The toadies can see at night
They know their environment
And do nothing to damage it
It is all they have

Yet “civilized” people continue to escalate in numbers
Far beyond the habitat can bear
Using more and more
Devouring their habitat

Is this not insane?
To consciously devour “your” air, land, water
Instant grat-i-fication
Instant and long term cancer death trap

There is a way out
It requires sacrifice from the spoilt brats
It requires thinking, caring, act-ing
For other living be-ings

Tech will not “save” us
Start by getting out of your car/plane
Stopping war for the fuel for your car/plane/toxic herbicides and fertilizers
End your greed and lust for MORE and MORE and MORE and….

Time to grow up
Time to take respons-iblity
Time to end your dominance
Time to plant some roses to smell!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Killing: Militarization Of Everyday Life

The U.S. military
Is the largest in the world
Spending more than the next 7 countries

"Do what we say
Or we'll kill you"
Is the government's mantra
Good Christian ethic

Cops kill
And don't get punished
Especially if it's "just" a black
Cops more important

Politicians lie
Nothin' happens
The mass stays passive
And/or ignorant....ah, bliss...

1 in 4 kids don't have adequate food
Teachers have to feed the kids in schools [like W.Virginia]
But there's almost $1,000,000,000 for bombs
And "security"

Security you say......Don't trust your neighbour
Don't trust anyone except authority figures:
Cops, Docs, Lawyers, Politicians....
Or anyone with a gun strapped to their body like an appendage

About 6% trust politicians
About 86% trust the military:
Esteemed by the prez
Esteemed by the media

The military IS our foreign policy
America is #1
We are exceptional!
Watch out MF's

So when some kid thinks it's ok to storm a school
Armed with assault weapons
Armed with a life of being told to not feel anything but anger
Armed with the answer to all the worlds' problems: P O W E R

How can any one be surprised?
90 gun deaths everyday in good ole U S A!
Where the second amendment keeps the nation
And hence the world safe and sound

Hear the sound of the school bells ring
Hear the sound of clang in the politicians pockets
[thanx NRA for supporting the gun industry...and free-dom of course!]
Hear the sound of teeth grinding as we all live in fear of each other
Hear the sound of agony as we lose each other to violence: here, in war, in car 'accidents', in....

Lock your doors
Get your gun
So you can shoot your neighbour who wants your stuff
Welcome to "America"

The country with the most inequality of any
People living in fear
Why not equalize pay among all?
No more greed - no more need...

How 'bout some of the Christian love you spout about
"Love thy neighbour"....feed your neighbour...embrace your neighbour
Lay your life down for you neighbour
Die for your neighbour 

Jesus said to turn the other cheek
Do the exact opposite of the instinctual [or conditioned] retaliation
Love even thy enemy
Do hence forth andl "make America great again"!

Saturday, 20 January 2018

"I AM Independent", she firmly stated...

I'm totally in-dependent
I don't 'need' any-one
I'm totally self-sufficient
I can handle any-thing

I am goddess
I am shaman
I am capable of doing any-thing
I can full-fill all my dreams

I can't live with-out my phone
I can't live with-out my car
I can't live with-out the grocery store
I can't live with-out my job

But I need a mechanic to fix my car
But I need a dentist to fix my teeth
But I need a 'geek' to fix my electronics
But I need a psychologist to help me deal with those weak people

We used to value inter-depend-ency
We used to value commun-i-ty
We used to be able to admit our help-less-ness
We used to be humble

We have been lied to
You are invincible
You are perfect
You are wonder-ful

We have little tolerance for the ordinary
We dream big
We live big
Our hearts and lives are full of greed and self-indulgence

We can be rich
We can be power-full
We can go where-ever and when-ever we want [after I ask my boss]
We are celebrity

Our fantasy is real
We don't settle for any-thing less than ______________
For we lack empathy
For we ride above the clouds

Smash: We find our-selves through others and institutions
Through face to face inter-act-i-ons of love, work, learning, ....growing
With others, through others: serving rather than be-ing served
This is cult-ur-e

This is life
The worship of the individual
Has sunken down deep into the murky waters of narcissism
Drowning us in misery and dissatisfaction

It's time to join
Hand in hand
Ex-pressing needs and reaching out to help

It is through inter-dependence that we find mean-ing
When we unite with others and all creation
Esteeming commitment and discipline
This is real person-hood.