*warning 1: this is neither pro or anti vaccination
*warning 2: this is non-partisan
*warning 3: I am very smug, LOL {why is it "wrong" to use LOL in "real" writing?}
The "liberal", "left wing", "progressive" narrative about Covid is so extremely smug, self-righteous, arrogant, unquestioning, silencing of opposing ideas and science, etc. ad nauseum! Yet, may I ask who has even looked at the vaccine trials? Isn't it presumptuous to say you are "pro-science", "evidenced based" etc. ad nauseum [google translation: BARF] when you merely follow claims you heard from CDC or WHO [btw, both are funded by BigPharma!] or some "liberal" pharmedia?
To see the trials, follow these links:
Should "journalists", "science writers", "scientists", "doctors" etc. not be open and want to hear a different perspective? Shouldn't there be open debate? Shouldn't governments and pharmaceutical companies be questioned? Is not the ideal of "science" to present a hypothesis and to prove/disprove it - and continue to do so?
"Science" has never been about truth - rather about what the funder determines. It used to be mainly for the war machine and now Big Pharma/Big Ag etc. has funded and taken it over - see, for example, The Real Anthony Fauci by the environmental/human rights lawyer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. This book is #1 on Amazon despite all the censorship.
The only science that is not biased toward industry, war, consumerism, profiteering may be climate science and perhaps biology. But what good has the reality of climate chaos done to alter the violence of industry/colonialism/empire/profit/war/.... domination of "man" over nature [including fellow humans]?!
What happened to the adage All Governments Lie [I.F. Stone]? And, yet, a major participant in the film, Democracy Now silences questioning of the pharmedia narrative - even mocks anyone who does. The hostess Amy Goodman, blames/puts down the unvaccinated with glee. Any mention of non-BigPharma therapies, such as Ivermectin are shot down in true dogmatic evangelistic style.
Isn't it "odd" that Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and others allow voices to speak - with respect?! Rogan has interviewed pro-vaccination "medical professionals" who describe alternative therapies to prevent and treat Covid. Peter McCullough, the most published cardiologist in the world [over 1000 publications] is one of them. He cites over 60 studies that support using Ivermectin and 30 double-blind trials also. Should not the lame-stream media [thanks Trump, lol] at least consider these studies and have him on their show? Yet, "critics" [selective] like Jesse Brown condemn journalists for not being "investigative", which he is correct about, yet he is also glee-full to join Amy in invalidating any questioning of the Covid "narrative". All of CIUT and CBC fall into line - though CBC has a "science" show - "Quirks" and a "medical" show also. Lazy and dogmatic media reps are not journalists but ideologues.
Instead, pussies [quoting South Park - so don't sue me] like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell boycott Spotify for such "fake news". Isn't it wiser to examine the evidence - you know, "evidence based" ... "science based". NO - these lazy smug celebrities, media elites follow what told - without question. They follow organizations - not trials, studies, etc. How is this evidence based if you have not examined the evidence [even if it IS controlled by the one selling their product [hmmm - shouldn't that make one question - in of itself?!
And what is authoritarianism? Well let's consult the "authority" [wikipedia]:
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of law, separation of powers, and democratic voting.
Hmmm. Sound familiar?
Finally, let's sum the smugness described earlier with the depiction of hybrid fueled car owners [EV cars today] on South Park. Infatuated with them-selves - smelling their own farts - so "full" of "them-selves" - literally and figuratively!
Smug alert people!