Friday, 22 March 2024

WAR Is A Racket

No one wins 

In the game of war 

It's played like a game 

Lives tossed in to the furnace 


Of profits 

The companies know well 

The share holders jump with glee-full sounds 

At the sounds
of bombs dropping 


The companies win 

As stocks sky rocket 

As rockets burst through the sky 

As rockets burst into the child lining up for a little morsel of food 


The profiteers sit back 

With full stomachs 

Belly aches from so much excess 

Sore backs from sedentary lives, minds, and hearts 


They don't go to war 

No - the poor are sent off 

No jobs 

No choice [you know: cut social programs, keep wages low, move factories for cheaper labour]


The media, which the rich own 

Which owns us 

Our minds and 

Therefore our souls 


Convinces us 

That we are good 

And those over "there" - wherever "there" is 

Are bad 


It might be Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Russia, China, Mars 

But we are all-ways right-eous 

We all-ways know best 

And, of course, we want to help/save those poor bastards [so we are so easily convinced] 


For we don't believe in sin 

We are beyond sin 

We are pure 

And, of course, we bring "demo-crazy" 


With "the rule of law" 

As our guide 

We will save you all 

You will thank us one day 


Our minds are bleached 

Our hearts are filled with gadgets 

And denied pain 

If only we could see the mad-ness


Of murdering 

If only we had com-passion [feel with] 

Instead of moral superior-ity

Judging instead of be-ing with the suffer-ing


The mom who holds her dead baby 

A baby who starved because we dropped bombs and not food 

Did she profit?

She screams in agony 


She weeps 

Oh Gaza, dear Gaza [or fill in with other]

Why do they hates us? 

Forgive me my child I could not feed you 


My breasts dried up

I  have not eaten for months

I have not had a drink of water

My mind and body and heart and soul are traumatized


They have taken away our food, water, land and re-placed with bombs

They must have no eyes 

No ears 

No heart 


Or is it they have no soul? 

As they go on in their busy petty self-indulgent circles