Tuesday 14 April 2020

COVID19 Wakes People Up To Domination By The Rich

Get in line
Time to vote
So: once every 4 years
Some-body 'might' listen

We'll vote in
To lead us
For we are help-less

Districts will be redrawn in U.S.
Gerrymandering will keep the poor
As poor
The rich in power

But we all feel good
We live in a demo-crazy
We are so 'free'
Unlike those chumps

In Russia
At least they get a day off
To vote
For Putin

As the old are dying from COVID19
The poor have no where to 'physical distance'
The factory farm workers
Are packed in like the pigs 'they' murder

For you
For cheap meat
We hu-mans are so superior

Americans are not ex-ceptional
Thought they claim other-wise
With 1000 military bases around the world
"The most power-ful nation"

Not the most just
With the most prisoners
Not the most loving
With 1 in 4 [at least] in poverty

Isn't it time to re-volt
Isn't it time to MAKE
OUR countries
OUR own?

Capitalism is about profit
At any cost: enslaving all
Including [devouring] the air, land, water
Never satisfied

The lack of 'public' health "care"
Which the rich don't need
Should wake us up
To bring down the rich

As Trump and his team
Lower migrant workers' wages
And increase Tyson's murder speed of killing chickens
From 145 to 175 per MINUTE

The sanctity of LIFE
Is crushed   --------------- murdered
Time to rise up
Time to crush this system....with God's approval:

Now listen, 
you rich people,
weep and wail
because of the misery
that is coming upon you...
You have hoarded wealth 
in the last days.
The wages you failed to pay
the workmen...are crying out
against you.
The cries of the harvesters
have reached the ears 
of the LORD Almighty...
James 5 NIV